
Pacifico Renewables Yield AG

Pacifico Renwables Yield AG is an independent power producer that operates a diversified portfolio of onshore wind and solar plants generating predictable and stable cash flows. Headquartered in Gruenwald, Pacifico is led by co-CEOs Dr. Martin Siddiqui and Christoph Strasser. Since its inception in 2018, the company has accumulated over 166 MW of operating wind- and solar assets as well as a sizeable pipeline of over 3 GW. As of 2019, Pacifico Renewables Yield AG is listed on the Dusseldorf Stock Exchange.

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Key facts

  • Founding date: 2018

  • Co-CEOs: Dr. Martin Siddiqui & Christoph Strasser

  • Sector: Independent Power Producer

  • HQ: Gruenwald, Germany

  • Geography: pan-European

  • Year of investment: 2018

Our partnership

In the spotlight

“Pelion has proven to be a strong and committed anchor shareholder, which was crucial for our initial growth steps on the stock market.

In addition, Pelion’s support for our development partners with flexible capital has enabled the expansion of our pipeline and our ambitions to become a global renewable energy producer.”

  • Dr. Martin Siddiqui & Christoph Strasser

    Co-CEOs Pacifico Renewables Yield AG

Why we invested

Our perspective

Pacifico Renewables Yield AG combines an entrepreneurial mindset and growth ambition with a rigorous focus on financial discipline suited for capital markets. We aim to support Pacifico on their future expansion and path to produce green energy for millions of people.