Our portfolio company Samara from Spain just successfully raised their €9 million Series A funding round.

We congratulate the whole Samara team around the founders Iván Cabezuela and Manel Pujol Olivares . We are proud to be part of their journey and look forward to continuing the work together for our shared vision.

Samara is driving the energy transition in Spain by helping private households transition to green energy through solar power. The startup has already supported more than 1,700 families in their transition since their launch in June 2022, making them one of the fastest-growing energy transition companies in Spain.

This Series A round will enable Samara to continue their exceptional work. Together with Seaya, we, Pelion Green Future have been invested since the beginning. For this funding round Green Generation Fund, Ring Capital and Athletico Ventures participated aswell.

We can’t wait to see how Samara will further accelerate the energy transition in Spain and beyond.